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.TOP > Akira Miyawaki (Director; Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. mult.)
Akira Miyawaki (Director; Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. mult.)

Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. mult.

1952 Bachelor of Science, Faculty of Science, Hiroshima Univ.
1958 - 1960,
1963 - 1964
Visiting researcher, Federal Institute for Vegetation Mapping (Bundesanstalt für Vegetationskartierung) Stolzenau⁄Germany
1961 Doctor of Science, Hiroshima Univ.
1961 - 1962 Lecturer, Yokohama National Univ.
1962 - 1973 Associate professor, Yokohama National Univ.
1973 - 1993 Professor, Institute of Environmental Science & Technology, Yokohama National Univ, concurrently Director of the Institute (1985-1993)
1974 - 2001 Advisor, Environmental Committee, MITI
1977 - 1978 Visiting professor, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
1980 - 2003 Vice President, International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS)
1987 - 1990 Vice President, International Association of Ecology (INTECOL)
1990 Secretary General, Executive Committee for V INTECOL-Congress Yokohama
1996 - 1999 President, International Association for Ecology (INTECOL)
1996 - 2004 Director, Nagano Nature Conservation Research Institute
since 1993 Professor em., Yokohama National University
since 1993 Senior Advisor, Yokohama City Green Environment Foundation
1993 - 1997 Director, Japanese Center for International Studies in Ecology (JISE)
since 1997 Director, IGES-Japanese Center for International Studies in Ecology (IGES-JISE)

1970 Awarded Mainichi Publication Cultural Prize (for “Plants and Human -Balance of biocoenosis-” NHK books)
1973 Awarded Sankei Children’s Book Award (for “The Last Day for Man”)
1974 Awarded Kanagawa Cultural Prize (for studies on actual and potential natural vegetation, and mapping of the vegetation of Kanagawa Prefecture)
1981 Honarary Doctor of Science, Göttingen University, Germany
1981 Honarary Doctor of Philosophy, Saarland University, Germany
1984 Honarary Doctor of Agriculture, Maijo University, Thailand
1991 Awarded 1990 Asahi Prize, Asahi Shimbun (for accomplishment of “Vegetation of Japan” 10 vols.)
1991 Awarded Goldene Blume von Pheydt Prize (for contribution to global environments), Rheydt, Germany
1992 Awarded Purple Ribbon Medal (for contribution to development of vegetation science), Japanese Government
1995 Awarded Reinhold Tüxen Prize, Rinteln, Germany
1996 Awarded Nikkei Global Environmental Technology Awards
1997 Honarary Doctor of Science, Hannover University, Germany
1997 Awarded Technical and Scientific Book Culture Prize ( for “Green Envitonments and Vegetation Science”)
2000 Honored by Governor of Nagano Prefecture
2000 Advisory Professor, East China Normal University, Shanghai
2000 Conferred the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold and Silver Star, Japanese Government
2002 Awarded the 4th Grand Prix, Improving Image of Kanagawa
2002 Awarded the 11th Japan Culture Life Award
2003 Awarded the 1st Distinguished Service Award, Ecological Society of Japan
2006 Honarary Doctorate Degree in Forestry, University Putra Malaysia
2006 Special Award, Japanese Association of Vegetation Science
2006 Awarded the Blue Planet Prize, Asahi Glass Foundation


I. Treatises Miyawaki, A. 1955. Habitat Segregation in Aster subulatus and three species of Erigeron due to soil moisture. The Botanical Magazine 68(802): 105-113. Tokyo.

Miyawaki, A. 1956. Quantitative und morphologische Studien über die ober- und unter- irdischen Stämme einigen Krautarten. The Botanical Magazine 69(820-821): 481-488. Tokyo.

Miyawaki, A. 1960. Pflanzensoziologische Untersuchchungen über Reisfeld-Vegetation auf den Japanischen Inseln mit Vergleichender Betrachtung Mitteleuropas. Vegetatio 9(6): 345-402. Den Haag.

Miyawaki, A. & Tüxen, J. 1960. Über Lemnetea-Gesellschaften in Europe und Japan. Mitteilungen der floristisch-Soziologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft. N.F. Heft 8: 127-135. Stolzenau/Weser.

Miyawaki, A. & Ohba, T. 1963. Castanopsis sieboldii- Wälder auf den Amami-Inseln. Sci. Rep. Yokohama Natl. Univ. II (9): 31-48. Yokohama.

Miyawaki, A. 1964. Trittgesellschaften auf den Japanischen Inseln. The Botanical Magazine 77 (916): 365-374. Tokyo.

Miyawaki, A. 1965. Das Reisfeld als Komplexe Biozöne. Biosoziologie 263-276. Verlag Dr. W. Junk. Den Haag.

Miyawaki, A. & Ohba, T. 1965. Studien der Strandsalzwiesengesellschaft auf Ost-Hokkaido (Japan). Sci. Rep. Yokohama Natl. Univ. II (12): 1-25. Yokohama.

Miyawaki, A. & Itow, S. 1966. Phytosociological Approach to the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources in Japan. Presented at Divisional Meeting of Conservation, the 11th Pacific Science Congress. 5pp. Tokyo.

Miyawaki, A. 1968. Japanische Hochmoorevegetation. Pflanzensoziologische Systematik 321-332. Den Haag.

Miyawaki, A. 1969. Systematik der Ackerunkkrautgesellschaften Japans. Vegetatio, 19: 47-59. Den Haag.

Miyawaki, A. & Okuda, S. 1972. Pflanzensoziologische Untersuchungen über die Auenvegetation des Flusses Tama bei Tokyo, mit einer vergleichenden Betrachtung über die Vegetation des Flusses Tone. Vegetatio 24(4-6): 229-311. Den Haag.

Miyawaki, A. 1975. Entwicklung der Umweltschutz-Pflanzungen und -Ansaaten. In: Tüxen,R.(ed.) Sukzessionforschung. Berichte der Internationalen Symposien der Internationalen Vereiningung für Vegetationskunde 237-254. Gramer, Vaduz.

Miyawaki, A. & Fujiwara, K. 1975. Ein Versuch zur Kartierung der Natürlichkeitsgrades der Vegetation und Anwendungsmöglichkeit dieser Karte für Umwelt- und Naturschutz am Beispiel der Stadt Fujisawa. Phytocoenologia 2(3-4): 429-437. Cramer, Lehre.

Miyawaki, A., Aoki, J. & Harada, H. 1977. Biozönotische Beziehungen zwischen den Pflanzengesellschaften und ihrer Bodenfauna, besonders Orbatiden-Gesellschaften. Vegetation und Fauna. Ber. Inter. Symp. d. Inter. Vereinigung f. Vegetationskunde 87-102. Vaduz.

Miyawaki, A. 1980. Versuch der Darstellung eines Japanischen Landschaftssystem nach Sigmaassoziation am Beispiel des Sagami-Flußgebietes in der Kanto-Ebene, Mittel-Honshu. Epharmonie. Berichte Internationalen Symposien der Internationalen Vereinigung für Vegetationskunde 399-408. Cramer, Vaduz.

Miyawaki, A. 1981a. Das System der Lorbeerwälder (Camellietea japonicae) Japans. In: Diersche,H.(ed.) Syntaxonomie. Berichte der Internationalen Symposien der Internationalen Vereinigung für Vegetationskunde 589-597. Gramer, Vaduz.

Miyawaki, A. 1981b. Energy policy and green environment on the base of ecology. In: Fazzolage,R.A. & Smith,C.B.(eds.) Beyond the energy crisis opportunity and challenge 581-587. Oxford & New York.

Miyawaki, A. 1981c. Phytosociological Studies on the Mangrove Forest in Japan and Tropical Asia. Researches Relation in the Unesco’s Man and the Biosphere Programme in Japan 1981-1982: 4-7. Tokyo.

Miyawaki, A., Suzuki, K., Huang, T.-C. & Kuo, C.-M. 1981. Pflanzen soziologische Untersuchungen in Taiwan (Republic of China). Erster Bericht, Küsten Vegetation und immergrünen Laubwälder auf dem Nan-Fong-San. Hikkobia 1: 221-233. Hiroshima.

Miyawaki, A. 1982a. Umweltschutz in Japan auf Vegetations-ökologischer Grundlage. Bull. Inst. Environ. Sci. Technl. Yokohama Natl. Univ. 8: 107-120. (German with English synopsis). Yokohama.

Miyawaki, A. 1982b. Antholopogene Veränderungen der Struktur und Dynamik Immerund Sommergrüne Laubwälder auf den Japanischen Inseln. In: Dierschke,H.(ed.) Struktur und Dynamik von Waldern. Ber. Intl. Symp. der Internationalen Vereinigung für Vegetationskunde 659-679. Gramer, Vaduz.

Miyawaki, A. 1982c. Phytosociological study of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Bull. Inst. Environ. Sci. Technl. Yokohama Natl. Univ. 8: 219-232. (German with English synopsis).Yokohama.

Miyawaki, A. 1984. Relationship of the warmth and coldness indices to potential natural vegetation, pomiculture and forestry in central Japan. International Journal of Biometeorology 29: 197-209. Lisse.

Miyawaki, A. 1985. Vegetationsökologische Betrachtung Mittel-Japans unter dem Aspekt der Geomorphologie. Colloques Phytosociologiques 8: 28-40. Bailleul.

Miyawaki, A. & Sasaki, Y. 1985. Floristic changes in Castanopsis cuspidate var. sieboldii forest communities along the Pacific Ocean coast of the Japanese islands. Vegetatio 59: 225-235. Dordrecht.

Miyawaki, A., Fujiwara, K. & Box, E.O. 1987. Toward harmonious green urban envionment in Japan and other countries. Bull. Inst. Sci. Technl. Yokohama Natl. Univ. 14: 67-82. Yokohama.

Miyawaki, A. 1988a. Die Veränderung innerhalb der japanischen anthropogenen Vegetation. Flora 180: 191-201. Jena.

Miyawaki, A. 1988b. A general survey of Japanese vegetation. Verff. Geobot. Inst. ETH. Stiftung Rübel 98: 74-99. Zürich.

Miyawaki, A. & Fujiwara, K. 1988. Vegetation Mapping in Japan. In: A.W.Küchler & I.S. Zonneveld (eds.) Vegetation Mapping 427-441. the Netherlands.

Miyawaki, A. 1990. A Vegetation-Ecological View of the Japanese Archipelago. Ecology International. INTECOL Bull. 18: 13-28. Athens, GA.

Miyawaki, A. 1992a. Restoration of Evergreen Broad-leaved Forests in the Pacific Region. In: Wali,M.K.(ed.) Ecosystem Rehabilitation. 2. Ecosystem analysis and synthesis 233-245. SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague.

Miyawaki, A. 1992b. Ecological Studies on Human Activities and Vegetation Dynamics in the Eastern North American Cultural Region in Comparison with Japan Archipelago. Gakujutsu-Geppo 45(5): 424-434. (Japanese).

Miyawaki, A. 1993. Restoration of native forests from Japan to Malaysia. In: Lieth,H. & Lohmann,M.(eds.) Restoration of Tropical Forest Ecosystems 5-24. Kluwer Academic Publishers, the Netherlands.

Miyawaki, A., Fujiwara, K. & Ozawa, M. 1993. Native forest by native trees―Restoration of indigenous forest ecosystem� (Reconstruction of environmental protection forest by Prof. Miyawaki’s Method). Bull. Inst. Environ. Sci. Technl. Yokohama Natl. Univ. 19: 73-107. Yokohama. (English & Japanese).

Miyawaki, A. & Golley, F.B. 1993. Forest reconstruction as ecological engineering. Ecological Engineering 2: 333-345. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Meguro, S. & Miyawaki, A. 1997. A study of initial growth behavior of planted Dipterocarpaceae trees for restoration of tropical rainforests in Borneo/Malaysia. Tropical Ecology 38(2): 237-245.

Miyawaki, A. 1998. Restoration of urban green environments based on the theories of vegetation ecology. Ecological Engineering 11: 157-165. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Miyawaki, A. 1999a. Creative Ecology: Restoration of native forests by native trees. Plant Biotechnology 16(1): 15-25.

Miyawaki, A. 1999b. Potential Natural Vegetation and Reforestation. JCCA for Tomorrow 203: 30-33. Tokyo. (Japanese).

Miyawaki, A. 2000. Recreation of Ecological Environment Protection Forests. Forest Economy 617: 9-19. Tokyo. (Japanese).

Miyawaki, A. & Meguro, S. 2000. Planting experiments for the restoration of tropical rainforest in Southeast Asia and a comparison with laurel forest at Tokyo Bay. Proceedings of IAVS Symposium 249-250. Opulus Press, Uppsala, Sweden.

Miyawaki, A. & Abe, S. 2003. A Reforestation Project of Lowland Tropical Forests in Brazilian Amazon ―Growth behavior in ten years. Proceedings of IAVS Symp.

Miyawaki, A. 2004. Restoration of living environment based on vegetation ecology: Theory and practice. Ecological Research 19: 83-90. Blackwell Publishing Asia, Australia.

Miyawaki, A. & Abe, S. 2004. Public awareness generation for the reforestation in Amazon tropical lowland region. Tropical Ecology 45(1): 59-65.

Miyawaki, A. 2007. A Philosophical Basis for Restoring Ecologically Functioning Urban Forests: Current Methods and Results. In: Carreiro, M.M, Song, Y.S. & Wu, J. (eds.) Ecology, Planning, and Management of Urban Forests. 187-196. Springer.

Miyawaki, A. 2010. Phytosociology in Japan. The past, present and future from the footsteps of one phytosociologist. Braun-Blanquetia, vol. 46: 55-58.

II. Books Miyawaki, A. 1970. Plants and Humans. ―Balance of Biocoenosis� 230pp. NHK Books 109. Japan Broadcast Publishing, Tokyo. (Japanese).

Miyawaki, A. 1983. Testimony by Green Plants. 241pp. Tokyo-Shoseki, Tokyo. (Japanese).

Miyawaki, A. 1987. Forest is Life. ―Ecology and the right to live� 286pp. Yuhikaku, Tokyo. (Japanese)

Miyawaki, A. 1991. Prescription for Restoration of Green Environments. 289pp. Asahi-Shinbun-sha, Tokyo. (Japanese).

Miyawaki, A. et al. 1994. Vegetation in Eastern North America. ―Vegetation System and Dynamics under Human Activity in the Eastern North American Cultural Region in Comparison with Japan�. 515pp. Univ. of Tokyo Press, Tokyo.

Miyawaki, A. 1997. Green Environments and Vegetation Science. ―Chinju-no-mori to the global forest�. 244pp. NTT Publishing, Tokyo. (Japanese).

Miyawaki, A. 1999. Bring Forests to Life. 178pp. Dainippon-tosho, Tokyo. (Japanese).

Miyawaki, A. & Itabashi, K. 2000. Chinju-no-mori (native forests of native trees). 159pp. Shincho-sha, Tokyo. (Japanese).

Miyawaki, A. et al. 2004. Planting Tomorrow. 287pp. Mainichi-Shinbun-sha, Tokyo. (Japanese)

Miyawaki, A. 2005a. Forests of Acorns Save Our Lives. 192pp. Shuei-sha, Tokyo.(Japanese)

Miyawaki, A. 2005b. A man who planted the most trees in Japan. Textbook for NHK TV Program. 161pp. Japan Broadcast Publishing, Tokyo. (Japanese).

Miyawaki, A. 2006a. 30,000,000 seedlings into native forests. 205pp. Japan Broadcast Publishing, Tokyo. (Japanese).

Miyawaki, A. 2006b. Plant Trees. 220pp. Shincho-sha, Tokyo. (Japanese).

Miyawaki, A. & Box, E.O. 2006. The Healing Power of Forests. The Philosophy behind Restoring Earth’s Balance with Native Trees. 286pp. Kosei Publishing Co., Tokyo.

Miyawaki, A. 2007-2008. Forest Is a Treasure of the Earth. vol.1. 39pp. vol.2. 39pp. vol.3. 39pp. Yumani-shobo, Tokyo.(Japanese).

Miyawaki, A. 2008. Gaze at the global environments. Textbook for NHK Program on Radio 2. 182pp. Japan Broadcast Publishing, Tokyo. (Japanese).

Miyawaki, A. 2009. The Future of Life. Vegetation tells us the way to go. 197pp. Samgha, Tokyo. (Japanese).

Miyawaki, A. & Ikeda, A. 2009. Forests protect those who you love. 215pp. Kodansha, Tokyo. (Japanese).

Miyawaki, A. 2010a. Reforestation begins with planting 3 saplings. 219pp. Shodensha, Tokyo. (Japanese).

Miyawaki, A. 2010b. What a man says who planted 40,000,000 trees. 253pp. Kawadeshobo-shinsha, Tokyo.

Miyawaki, A. & Ikeda, T. 2011. Messages for the Next Generation. ―Dialogue about the quality of nature and human life�. 256pp. Jiyusha, Tokyo. (Japanese).

III. Editorial Work Miyawaki, A. & Tüxen, R. (eds.) 1977. Vegetation Science and Environmental Protection. Proceedings of the International Symposium in Tokyo on Protection of the Environment and Excursion on Vegetation Science through Japan. 578pp. Maruzen Co., Tokyo.

Miyawaki, A.(ed.) 1980-1989. Vegetation of Japan. vol,1-10. (with colored vegetation maps and tables, Japanese with German and/or English summary). Shibundo, Tokyo.

Miyawaki, A. et al.(eds.) 1983. Handbook of Japanese Vegetation. 872pp. (Japanese with Latin). With Distribution Maps of Japanese Plant Communities. 168pp. Shibundo, Tokyo.

Miyawaki, A.(ed.) 1985. Vegetation Ecological Studies on Mangrove Forests in Thailand. 152pp. Inst. Environ. Sci. Technl. Yokohama Natl. Univ., Yokohama.

Miyawaki, A., Bogenrider, A., Okuda, S. & White, I.(eds.) 1987. Vegetation Ecology and Creation of New Environments. Proceedings of International Symp. in Tokyo and Phytogeographical Excursion through Central Japan. 473pp. Tokai Univ. Press, Tokyo.

Miyawaki, A. & Okuda, S.(eds.) 1991. Vegetation of Japan Illustrated. 800pp. Shibundo, Tokyo. (Japanese).

Miyawaki, A.(ed.) 1996. Indices to Vegetation of Japan. ―Community names and subjects�. 330pp. Shibundo, Tokyo. (Japanese with German and Latin).

Miyawaki, A.(eds.) 2010. Japanese Vegetation (revised edition). 550pp. Gakken Education Publishing, Tokyo. (Japanese).

* IGES-Japanese Center for International Studies in Ecology(IGES-JISE)
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2-12-20 Okano Nishi-ku Yokohama, 220-0073, Japan
TEL: +81-45-322-1223.FAX: +81-45-322-1225

* Yokohama City Green Environment Foundation
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65 Yoshida-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama 231-0041
TEL: +81-45-309-2214.FAX: +81-45-260-6667

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